Notice of Appointment for the Revd Liz Quinn
The notes from the pulpit consultation are now available. Please click the link [...]
The St Peter and St Paul’s Creationtide season had its finale with a [...]
Rev Liz Quinn, whom many of you will know, is currently serving her [...]
Friday 15th September At Hambledon Village Hall Doors open 7.00pm Quiz starts 7.30pm [...]
Hambledon Church working with the Hambledon Greening group held our second Greening Festival [...]
There is to be a Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Church Meeting on [...]
Paul Foster asked, ‘Where do we go from here?’ in June following Father [...]
From the Pews…. You may have noticed as you have walked through the [...]
Click here to see our latest newsletter: Newsletter 28th August 2022