Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire

Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire2025-01-20T15:50:34+00:00

Welcome to Hambledon Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Hampshire

St Peter and St Paul church lies in the middle of the village and forms an integral part of the village community. We are a friendly, active and lively family church for all ages and all members of the community.  We warmly welcome you to come along and find out more.

8Feb 2018

From a Lay Reader

If you accepted at face value what the media says about the Christian Church, it would be easy to reach the conclusion that it is in terminal decline. Yet by the time that you read [...]

9Dec 2017


Christmas is a time of giving. It is a celebration of the most wonderful gift to mankind, God’s gift of hope through the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ. The baby Jesus was born [...]

11Sep 2017

Moving On

Towards of the end of this magazine period, I will be taking my final service in Hambledon as Priest- in-Charge. I know it will be an emotional time for us. Heather, Susie and I will [...]



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