Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire

Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire2025-01-20T15:50:34+00:00

Welcome to Hambledon Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Hampshire

St Peter and St Paul church lies in the middle of the village and forms an integral part of the village community. We are a friendly, active and lively family church for all ages and all members of the community.  We warmly welcome you to come along and find out more.

9Jan 2017

By myself

A friend posted an article from the Guardian on Facebook last week, so I take it to be in the public domain. It was by Giles Fraser following a break in, in his church, in [...]

17Nov 2016


I am writing this before we know the results of the American election and it has brought to mind a discussion I attended on leadership and social change. In the talk, three types of leadership [...]

26Jun 2016

Coping with a Changing World

I am writing this on the Sunday after the referendum and am acutely aware of the huge changes that this has set in motion. In part, I believe the result clearly shows a disconnection between [...]



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