Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire

Hambledon Church of St Peter & St Paul, Hampshire2025-01-20T15:50:34+00:00

Welcome to Hambledon Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Hampshire

St Peter and St Paul church lies in the middle of the village and forms an integral part of the village community. We are a friendly, active and lively family church for all ages and all members of the community.  We warmly welcome you to come along and find out more.

17Dec 2018


There are many occasions through the year when Hambledon shines as a community. Bonfire night organised by some of the menfolk is one example of this, shortly followed, more sombrely, by Remembrance Sunday when we [...]

1Oct 2018

A New Priest

PROGRESS REPORT FROM THE CHURCHWARDENS Discussions with Soberton and Newtown have continued and there has been a good feeling in those meetings of a collaborative approach to acquiring and sharing a "vicar".  Things will not [...]

1Aug 2018


FROM A LAY READER Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Saints Peter and Paul, happy birthday to you! Actually, I have to point out, we're not celebrating their birthday but the [...]

25May 2018

Spring Thoughts

Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia. As I write this the excitement of Easter has almost evaporated, it was six Sundays ago. However as far as the Churches calendar is concerned we [...]



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